Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify: New Music Playlist
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify: New Music Playlist
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. We say hello to our first playlist of 2019. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify: New Music Playlist
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. We say hello to our first playlist of 2019. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify: New Music Playlist
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. We say hello to our first playlist of 2019. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify: New Music Playlist
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. We say hello to our first playlist of 2019. Here are a collection of songs that have stood out for us this week and the reasons why. With love.
Spotify Playlist: Delivery
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. This week is all about the vocal delivery. Each song has resonated because of its vocal delivery. There are varying dynamics between them all, but they have all stood out because of the voice. With love.
Spotify Playlist: The Hook
Welcome to our weekly Spotify playlist. This week is about the hook, all the songs selected have captured our attention because they have lingered in our thoughts and made us return for further listening. A rich, diverse and highly listenable collection of songs await your company. With love.
Spotify Playlist: Warrior
Welcome to our Spotify playlist. All the songs this week are by female artists or outfits with females. A rich, diverse and highly listenable collection of songs await your company.
Spotify Playlist: Reflex
Welcome to the Podcart playlist. This playlist is about moving away from the mechanical. The dynamics are polarised here and everything feels very organic with each song. With love.
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