A Mote Of Dust – ‘Wolves In The Valley’

I often forget the incredible musicians I have met since Podcart began. People I have idolised from afar, ladies and gentlemen that frequent my record collection and those that have soundtracked the happiest and bleakest moments of my life thus far.

Craig B is one of these artists. Aereogramme and The Unwinding Hours have a notable place on the mantel for a number of my friends and acquaintances and I am so pleased he has returned.

A Mote Of Dust is his new alias and the first taster ‘Wolves In The Valley’ is like a pure lullaby for a crazy world. Craig B, does what he does best and that is creating an intimacy that few artists can achieve.

There is an accomplished sense of dramatics on this track that makes it feel unearthly. His nimble pickings and dark songwriting lift him above the countless wave of safe acoustic mumblers. This will leave you uneasy, but in the best way possible.

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