Cut(s) is, on the face of it, just an acoustic version of half of Ex Libra’s debut full-length Suite(s), released late last year. But this is no simple acoustic rehash. This is no man-with-guitar attempt to reduce songs to their atomic level. Ex Libras have pared these tracks down to the barest of bones and…
Interview: Strummerville
Strummerville is not only one of the more inspiring things to happen in music, ultimately it is essential. Friends and family members of Joe Strummer set up Strummerville after his passing, a registered charity, it aims to reflect Joe Strummer’s magnificent, standout contribution to music. They offer support, resources and performance opportunities to artists who…
Campfires In Winter – We’ll Exist
New video by Campfires in Winter.
Life Is Like A Box Of Records: Kyle Shields (Shambles In A Husk)
Today is the turn of Kyle Shields from Shambles In A Husk. You can listen to their music here:
Eastcoastdefector – The 13th Note 12.10.13
The “new” 13th Note nestles at the corner of 2 streets (King and Osborne to be precise) in Glasgow. Situated near some good pubs and a rather excellent guitar shop, which is next to a nice bar/venue called Mono.
Meursault – The Organ Grinder’s Monkey
Kickstarter campaigns can be polarising events; the crowd funding site has gained media prominence over large scale projects such as the Veronica Mars film and Amanda Palmer’s music-related raisings – with the former being questioned on the likely millions that will be made, and the latter due to the singer-songwriter’s use of unpaid musicians. Beneath…
Mast – Romance
Our song of 2013. Expect big things this year!
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