
Deadly Rides – ‘The Ride’

This is the second time I have made Deadly Rides Song of the Day on Podcart, a very rare occurrence, but they are a band that I am completely intrigued by. Hailing originally from New Zealand and now residing in Glasgow, they have revealed new track ‘The Ride’. With a firm grasp of the fundamentals…

Man Of Moon – ‘The Road’

Over the last few months there has been noticeable excitement about Edinburgh duo Man Of Moon. Rarely does a band come along that creates an equal buzz amongst fans as industry, but the thrilling pair have a number of music business suits, ties and retro tees clambering over each other to get exclusives. Song of…

4 Years Of Milk Glasgow

I like to think I know Hannah Currie and Aileen Lynn of Glasgow’s MILK fairly well by now. WHITE drummer and ex-Pooch member Kirstin Lynn introduced me several years ago. What immediately struck me at the time was the excitement in their eyes. I’m not talking about the type of joy you get before opening…

The West End Welcomes A New Venue!

It’s official, after what seems a lifetime, Glasgow’s West End welcomes a new music venue in the shape of The Hug And Pint. Business partners Brian Reynolds (Synergy Concerts/Wickerman Festival) and Colin Campbell (The Squid & Whale) have joined forces to bring a much needed independent venue to the city’s West End. The reputation of…

Blanck Mass – ‘Detritus’

When the announcement came that Fuck Button’s Ben Power was releasing a new album under solo project Blanck Mass, I have to admit to being a selfish bastard and worrying that Fuck Buttons would perhaps cease to exist. This moniker however continues to identify Power as a forward-thinking apocalyptic visionary who does not disappoint. His…

SAY Award Longlist Announced

The nominations for the SAY Award longlist have been announced and are as follows: Belle & Sebastian – Girls In Peacetime Want To Dance Blue Rose Code – The Ballads Of Peckham Rye Errors – Lease Of Life Fatherson – I Am An Island Happy Meals – Apéro Honeyblood – Honeyblood Idlewild – Everything Ever…