TYCI Collaborate With //Buzzcut//

This Saturday sees TYCI collaborate with acclaimed live arts festival //Buzzcut//!

Stereo will play host to a plethora of talent including charismatic female company Figs in Wigs, improve duo Sh!t Theatre, bombastic Glasgow outfit Pennycress and VSO (formerly of epic band Divorce) will be DJing.

TYCI continues to help expose as much talent using a platform that is both humble and passionate. There are no airs or graces, just a group of females that want people to invest more time into new artists from all walks of life.

//Buzzcut// a live artist led collective and boasts a magnificent programme of over 60 shows whereby half the artist travel from outside of Scotland and the other half are Scottish-based. Co-founder Nick Anderson explains, “the festival came about because there were previously other big arts festivals in the calendar they dissolved and we wanted somewhere to show and see work in Glasgow. There were so many artists that loved coming to the city and it would be a shame if this all stopped. There was a naivety when we did the first call out, but there was so much enthusiasm in the first year with over 100 applications, there ended up being 5 days, 2 venues and around 50 shows. We allowed for it to grow, we crowfunded and raised about £1500 and have found new ways of doing it since then.”

This year they have managed to be funded by Creative Scotland which shows the need and indeed desire for this festival to continue. The passion for what the collective do is clear by the amount of time they invest and with the partnership of TYCI for this show, it is sure to be one to remember.

There is a hope that this continues and relationships build from collaborations like this. More and more people want to experience work like this and we need to give people the chance to develop, have an outlet to showcase their work and gain an audience. Sometimes it is a case of putting your creative taste in other peoples’ hands and what better people to trust.

Venue – Stereo Café Bar, Renfield Street

Cost – £5

Tickets available – stereocafebar.com

//BUZZCUT// runs 18 – 22 March at the Pearce Institute in Govan. The five-day, artist-led, pay-what-you-can international art festival will feature over 60 experimental performance makers and live artists from across Scotland, the UK and Europe. More info here – glasgowbuzzcut.wordpress.com


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