Some time ago I was sitting on a bus with a token playlist of songs that had influenced my life in some way or another. Being somewhat refreshed, I started thinking of all the times that these songs had become significant and thought, wouldn’t it be an excellent idea to delve into other people’s ‘Life Record Boxes’. Luckily people have been wonderful and we have an incredible series continuing.
Today is the turn of Kerr Okan of The LaFontaines. You can find out more about their music here:
Kool & The Gang – ‘Fresh’
My mother assures me I would have been between the ages of 5 and 6 when she left me for the first time to go on holiday with my Dad. I remember her handing me a used Sony Walkman with one tape already inside, one of my Dad’s old favourites – Kool & The Gang. She told me if I were to behave myself for the week my Gran and Pap would buy me a pet rabbit. I quickly said goodbye, rewound the tape, shut my eyes and listened to the sounds of ‘Fresh’
All Saints – ‘Never Ever’
The first CD I ever purchased was part of a deal I struck with my Gran. She dragged me along to Airdrie bingo hall (a place I would be forced to spend far to much of my youth) and promised if I behaved myself I could go across to John Menzies and buy a CD. My childhood was littered with blackmail and corruption.
Eminem – ‘The Real Slim Shady’
I couldn’t care less how cliché this is. The first time I heard ‘The Real Slim Shady’, it literally changed my 11-year-old life. I could not believe someone was saying this shit on CD.
Limp Bizkit – ‘Rollin’’
Back in the day wrestling was the thing! Up late on a Friday night watching RAW. Rising early on a Saturday before your football game to watch Smackdown. If, like me, you caught the buzz, you couldn’t have avoided this song – Undertakers entrance.
Candi Staton – ‘I’d Rather Be An Old Man’s Sweetheart (Than A Young Man’s Fool)’
If ever there was any justification needed for falling in love with an older man. Candi threw it down here. Two minutes of the finest stuff around. Tell them gurl’.
Lou Rawls – ‘Dead End Street’
I had just received a grant from the Princes Trust for £500 to put towards music production software. With two purchases my money was gone. Pro tools LE complete with Mbox 2 and Propellerhead Reason 3.0. The first song I set about sampling was ‘Dead End Street’. It was crap. Two years later Kano came out with a version of the same thing I tried to flip, so at least I was ahead of the curve.
Carlos Varela – ‘Una Palabra’
I love any film that has the ability to make me cry. Denzel Washington’s performance in ‘Man On Fire’ accompanied with this track set me off good and proper.
Salif Keita – ‘Tomorrow’
I usually put this on before any dental or a doctor’s appointment.
Konflict – ‘Messiah’
Considering how important this song is to the genre of Drum & Bass, I feel it merits its place on this list on that fact alone. This song means a lot to me because it was my cousin Kemal who made it and is partly responsible for opening up communication between my family again. With the help of cousin Sami I must add!
Holy Fuck – ‘Lovely Allen’
This song has been Darren from the bands alarm tone for the past 3 or 4 years and considering how much we’re all together it’s pretty become mine too. Pretty positive piece of music to wake up to.
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