AMUNDA: ‘Like Thunder (feat. Elijah Kashmir)’

AMUNDA: ‘Like Thunder (feat. Elijah Kashmir)’

AMUNDA‘s potent new single ‘Like Thunder’ is a triumphant ode to self-acceptance.

Pairing the Copenhagen-based songwriter and producer with Palestinian/Danish rapper Elijah Kashmir proves an effortless match, their energies play off one another over thumping bass sequencing and crisp production.

AMUNDA originally wrote the track as part of Scottish female/non-binary collective Hen Hoose, aiming to send a message that simply being yourself is enough. While the song boasts bountiful pop and R&B influences, she and Kashmir assert their own distinct musical identities.

‘Like Thunder’ is an electrifying celebration of inner strength and unapologetic self-love and it’s a blessing to see this highly underrated artist move into a new stream of notable confidence. 

Photo by Elvira Wilkinson

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